Prime Sports Institute

with Alaina Sawaya

July 4 (Thursday)
at 8:30 am

Class length
60 minutes

Downstairs Gym

Drop In
  • Wednesday, July 3 and Friday, July 4
  • 8:30am - 9:30am with Alaina Sawaya

By crawling, rolling, lunging, squatting, piking, pressing and pulling from the floor you learn to restore lost ranges of motion, to move your body more freely and with greater control. You learn to move with the resilience of a child again. 

Over the course of the series you will learn to build movements progressively, with repetition and breath awareness, re-mapping your brain for improved movement quality, and regressing effectively so that you can push hard without injury. Using unconventional strength drills and unbinding flows, set to timed protocols, you teach your nervous system to hold technique under stress, recover quickly from difficulties and failures, and increase durability, resilience and toughness. 

  • No pre-existing pain patterns
  • Ability to crawl around the floor / be on hands and knees for extended periods of time
  • Willingness to think outside the box
  • Commitment to learning good technique, being pushed outside your comfort zone and maintaining a good attitude


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