Prime Sports Institute

FlowFit - Bodyweight Strength & Mobility
with Alaina Sawaya

February 23 (Saturday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
60 minutes

Downstairs - Gym

FlowFit - Bodyweight Strength & Mobility
Unlock mobility by restoring strength to what is weak and releasing tension from what is tight.

FlowFit is a demanding body weight practice of slow controlled unconventional movements derived from martial arts and rehabilitation techniques.  
  • We become shaped by the things we do the most, so training the functional opposite is critical to a balanced structure.  
  • By crawling, rolling, lunging, squatting, piking, pressing and pulling from the floor you will learn integrated sequences that train your body to move more freely and with greater control. 
  • Over the course of the series you will learn to build movements progressively, with repetition and breath awareness, re-mapping your brain for improved movement quality. 
Whatever you are training for, FlowFit will make you a more durable athlete.

When: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00am
  • January: 10 Sessions: $250.00
  • February: 8 Sessions: $200.00
  • Drop-in's:  $30.00
  • Every other Saturday is available for makeups &/or "bonus" classes
Prerequisites: No pre-existing pain patterns, ability to crawl around the floor, think outside the box, commit to learn (and hold) good technique, willingness to be pushed outside your comfort zone and maintain a good attitude


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