Prime Sports Institute

Indoor Rowing Fundamentals
with Kathleen Faust

Sorry - that class has been cancelled!

August 5 (Monday)
at 5:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Downstairs - Gym

This class is a perfect "check-in" to learn or to refine your indoor rowing technique or to properly learn how to row, if this is a new workout tool for you. This class is offered the first Monday of each month.

Exercise on a rowing machine uses all the major muscle groups, is low impact, is an efficient calorie burner, is good for bone health, improves posture and flexibility, is adaptable for personal goals, and is beneficial for all fitness levels.

Using the rowing machine correctly is the critical component needed to reap it's bountiful benefits. Appropriate warm-up and stretching will be included.

Reduce the likelihood of injury from not having correct technique.
Become more efficient and powerful so you can pull more distance per stroke.
Add to your cross-training for a total body workout. 
Learn different workouts to meet your exercise goals.
Review proper stretching and cool down routines.

When: Mondays, 5:30 - 6:30pm 
Where: Downstairs Gym at Prime Sports Institute
Who: Anyone wanting to learn proper technique and form for the rowing erg
Capacity: 3 students
Cost: $25 per class

*Masks are required.*