Prime Sports Institute

Monthly Mobility Lab™ [Virtual]
with Kerry Gustafson


March 21 (Thursday)
at 6:30 pm (GMT-07:00)

Class length
60 minutes

Downstairs Gym

Join Prime owner, Kerry Gustafson, ATL, ATC, LMT for a monthly mobility class.

Now you can finally have the space, time, and instruction to do the foam rolling and mobility exercises that we always encourage you to do. This once a month class is designed to "take excuses away" by doing the mobility work in the room. Learn new techniques and do them with instruction and oversight to keep your body balanced and healthy.

Purchase a pass to drop in or register for a 4-class pass:
The in-person class is limited to 20 students. You must RSVP to save your spot

You can also sign up for a virtual option here.

* If you cannot attend, please be sure to cancel your in-person reservation at least 24 hours before the class. 

** If you have to switch your reservation from in-person to virtual, please contact the office before the clinic closes at 5pm for the link.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
