Prime Sports Institute

Basics of Foot and Ankle Health (online)
with Kerry Gustafson


March 15 (Tuesday)
at 6:00 pm (GMT-07:00)

Class length
120 minutes


What if you could learn a simple system to measure where your mobility and stability is and treat yourself so injuries don’t creep up on you out of nowhere?  Stop playing Whack-a-Mole.

  • Your foot hurts. It must be plantar fasciitis, right? You Google the term and yep, It says that your heel pain is plantar fasciitis! Scrunch a towel and pick marbles up with your toes and it will heal. Will it?

  • Last time you were out on the trails you rolled your ankle.  It’s okay, it’s just a “simple ankle sprain.” But, is there such a thing?

  • How are those 10 year old orthotics working out for you? Are you still switching them in and out of all your shoes? Why did you get them in the first place? Are they even necessary? If your neck gets injured, would you still wear a neck brace years later? Learn which conditions necessitate wearing an orthotic and which don’t. 

What is it?

After 22 years of assessing human movement and treating and rehabilitating injuries, Kerry has surmised that injury prevention and optimal movement can be simplified into 2 key concepts, in 4 body regions. Optimal mobility and dynamic stability should be assessed and achieved through simple daily focus. “We have over-complicated self-care, leaving people feeling self-defeated before they have begun. I have distilled the essence of movement and injury prevention, here. It’s supposed to be simple. Measure it, correct it, stabilize it, so you can use it.” - Kerry Gustafson 

Sign up now for the first of a 4 part series for the general public, where you’ll learn foot and ankle anatomy, common conditions of the foot, how to test for mobility dysfunctions and weakness and know what you can do to improve them, and when to come see us. 

Spend 2 quality hours with Kerry Gustafson, owner of Prime Sports Institute, gaining a deep understanding of foot and ankle anatomy, and why it is crucial for correct diagnosis and treatment. You’ll learn assessment strategies for the most common pathologies: plantar fasciitis, posterior tibial tendonitis, Achilles tendonitis, ankle sprains and more.  Also learn shoe recommendations, injury prevention strategies, and taping techniques for common conditions.  These are invaluable lifetime skills.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of foot and ankle anatomy 

  2. Differentiate common foot and ankle pathologies: Plantar fasciitis, Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction, Achilles tendonitis, and Ankle sprains 

  3. Learn taping techniques for common conditions

  4. Learn how to test and treat mobility and movement dysfunctions yourself, and know when it’s time to see us at Prime 

  5. Leave with a Foot and Ankle User’s Instruction Manual; practical methods (mobility/stability) to optimize your foot health

Sign Up:

This is a hybrid class: 10 people in-person; once full, you may register on Zoom. 

Register for the 4-part series for a special rate of  $347 (Normal value is $388).  If you can’t attend in-person or live on Zoom, register and pay and we’ll send you a recording to watch when it’s convenient.

4-Part Education Series with Kerry Gustafson
  1. Basics of Foot and Ankle Health - Tuesday, March 15 from 6:00 - 8:00pm
  2. Basics of Shoulder, Neck, and Mid-Back Health - Tuesday, April 12 from 6:00 - 8:00pm
  3. Basics of Low Back, Hips, and Knee Health - Tuesday, May 10 from 6:00 - 8:00pm
  4. Basics of Core Stabilization - Tuesday, June 14 from 6:00 - 8:00pm

Thanks so much for being invested in your health!

Kerry Gustafson, LAT, ATC, LMT


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